Thursday, January 25, 2007

Now it's our turn...

Winter has arrived in the NorthEast. No more 50 degree sunshiny days. I believe it's going down to 14 tonight. Brrrrrr..... We are just getting our first real snowfall. I think we have about a half inch right now. Kassidy is hoping for a delay in the morning.

Kristin is talking about fuzzy toes. How about fuzzy brains? I went to the Dr. yesterday for my annual skin cancer checkup only to find that I was 2 months early. My appointment isn't until March 21st. I then asked the receptionist if I might be able to see one of their neurologists to help me out with my recent brain problems.

Thanks to Mom for taking Wayne and Me and Kassidy to Red Lobster for dinner to celebrate our 14th anniversary. We got right in and it was delicious! I bought Megan a Bahama Mama, and Wayne and I had our regular Martini/Very Large Margarita with a side of Grande Marnier. Yummy yummy.
Good food, good fun, good company!

1 comment:

Alpha Female said...

Aren't they called lobsteritas? Glad you had fun. I haven't been to Red Lobster in about a year. How was bingo?