Friday, March 02, 2007

Lucky Kassidy, follows in Mom's footsteps....

I got a call from the Girl Scout office the other day that Kassidy's name was drawn from 253 entries to win a 4.5 foot bunny. The lady said to me "She won the big bunny". I asked, "how much did she win?" She said it was a big bunny, and I said, "Oh, I thought you said she won the big money!" Ha ha ha. The bunny is the mascot for the Girl Scout Cookie sale this year. It was made by the Build-A-Bear company. She was thrilled!

Oh Wait - that's not the bunny - how did Popcorn get in there?

We picked up the cookies today and she also got a 14inch and and 8inch bunny - exact replicas. Kassidy was top seller at 242 boxes, beating Megan Hauf (the troop leaders daughter) by 1 box. Yee hah! I have a very full weekend with bowling, delivering cookies, a church spaghetti dinner, a doctor appointment and then on Sunday, church, Sunday School, Christian Ed Meeting, more cookie delivering and then a birthday party from 3-5. I am very tired now, just thinking about it. I am going to bed - Good night and God Bless.

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