Monday, September 18, 2006

Back to the Real World!

I arrived back home and this morning I stepped on the scale only to find (for my viewing pleasure) a weight loss of 5 pounds! Seventeen total now.

Well, I started back to work today. My boss let me come in at 11:00 this morning. I called her in Chicago and told her of my dilemma. I have to make up my time. I really don't like work, but hey, we gotta pay the bills. Kassidy was very happy to see me. She got me all kinds of gifts and colored me a few pictures. She's very sweet. I missed her immensely. The kitties missed my as well. Snoopy was following me all around last night. Kokomo hasn't left my side tonight. I got all unpacked this morning and did some laundry. It's great to be home!


nanny joan said...

I know you are very busy my love, but please check nanny's page to see my latest post. Again, I can not say thank you enough. I will replay the entire five days over and over again. The memories will last forever.

Meg said...

you NEVER update