Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Lap-Band Journal

On 4/25/08 I had laproscopic weight loss surgery. Also known as Lap-Band Surgery. My sister tells me that I should blog about it. I am told that I should lose about 50% of my current weight within a year, losing 1 to 2 lbs per week. On Thursday 4/24 I had pizza for dinner and for a snack at 9 I had a piece of string cheese, 4 ritz crackers and a diet soda. Mom slept over and took me to the hospital in the morning.

It all started at 6:00 am at Community General (previously known as The Osteopathic Hospital). They took me in to prep me and put in my IV. I spoke with the anesthegiologist and he said he would see me later, but that I don't remember. I then saw my Doctor - Dr. Matthew Davidson - very cute, and he told me I was scheduled for 7:30. At 9:00 I was in recovery, very groggy and very thirsty, but not allowed to have anything. I made it up to my room at about 11:00. I had 4 visitors while in the hospital. My friend JoAnn came about 12:00, then April came about 1:30, then Mom and Kassidy, then April's husband Ed, who works in the imaging dept at the hospital. I had a walk when Mom and Kassidy were there, then I took one at 6 and 8. I finally went to sleep at 9. I was awaken at 12am for meds and vitals, and then again at 3, when I got up to take another walk. Got back in bed, watched Spanglish on TV, fell asleep and finally woke up at 6. All the while in the hospital I was allowed ice chips. Still, though not hungry.

In the morning I was supposed to have an x-ray, but the machine broke. They got an initial picture and that must have been enough. I was discharged at noon. Kassidy and Wayne came to pick me up. I got home and tried to eat something but still I was not hungry. I have to be very careful to make sure that I get about 32 grams of protein a day. but that is really hard. JoAnn came over again last night and offered to have Kassidy spend the night. Wayne was working and I needed some rest because I had a terrible caffeine headache so they left and I went to bed about 8:30pm. I woke up at 10:30 then 12:30 when Wayne got home. I went back to sleep at 1:30 and woke up at 6 today. I stll had the headache. I am able to take tylenol so I had one of those. I had some choc. protein drink, and some 100% fruit juice. I then had some chicken soup and later tomato soup. I took a walk and then an afternoon nap and Kassidy got home about 5:30. I weighed myself this morning and so far I lost 4 pounds already. I will try to post once a week. I am off until 5/2 so I will get lots of rest.


Anonymous said...
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nanny joan said...

I like the idea of keeping the journal. Please keep it up. who posted a comment and it made you want to get rid of it.

I still don't understand what happened to the chair, but its not a big deal. Tell Wayne not to worry about it. Have a good night and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Alpha Female said...

Yay! A blog update. Yes, keep it up...I'm sure you'll be glad to have it to look back on later. You can spare a couple of minutes a week to update us all on what's going on. You're already down 7 instead of 4 - see what happens in just a day?

lap band said...

I was supposed to have an x-ray, but the machine broke. They got an initial picture and that must have been enough. I was discharged at noon.