Friday, December 15, 2006

Party in Buffalo!

On Wednesday I had to travel to Buffalo for our Christmas Party for work. I got to the airport early enough for them to put me on an earlier flight. I arrive in Buff at 11:00 instead of 1:00. I was there in time to attend the catered luncheon from Chef's. This is a local Italian Restaurant in the area. We had lasagna, baked spaghetti and Italian Sausage, salad, bread and brownies. Very good. Then, it was time for the gift exchange. I ended up stealing my gift from my boss - a microfiber blanket (blue with snowflakes) and 2 hot chocolate snowman mugs. I also got a gift from my boss - a microfiber blanket - woo hoo! Left the office about 4 and headed back to the hotel to freshen up for the actual party. It was held at a place called The Fairdale. They had a pasta station, fajita station and carved roast beef station. Also an open bar for the length of the party. I had 2 glasses of wine and about 7 or 8 vodka and cranberry beverages. They were delicious! I didn't get loopy, but I did become Chatty Kathy (as mom sometimes refers to my sister as). I won a few gifts at the party - 2 beer cozys, 2 stress balls - 1 green and 1 white, 5 chocolate bars, and a keychain flashlight/whistle. I definately wore the wrong shoes to Buffalo. My feet were killing me! When I got to the airport the next morning, I found my flight to Philly had been cancelled due to fog. I got on a flight that left 20 minutes later to Pgh. Once in Pgh, I didn't get to leave until 3:00. I ended up buying a pair of fuzzy brown slippers because my feet hurt so bad. Once I got home, I soaked them for about a half hour and them used my foot massager. They are feeling much better today. I had a really great time seeing all my coworkers and finally putting faces to names!. From here on out now I have to concentrate on the Christmas Eve party at our house and finish up for Christmas. So much to do, so little time!

1 comment:

nanny joan said...

Sounds like a good time was had by all. You were lucky to get in and out of Buffalo as easily as you did. They are usually drowning in snow by this time of year. P.S. I did not find anything from you in my e-mail. Are you sure you did it right. I cannot get my Lilly-kins out of the camera and onto the computer. I would love to see what yours look like.